How WIESoc Changed My Life

Yiyi Cheng
February 10, 2019

Hi I’m Yiyi, Events Director in WIESoc of 2019 and I just wanted to share my experiences in WIESoc so far and how it’s probably the best decision I’ve made last year. I was accepted into the Events subcommittee team last year and let’s just say my year became WILD. Straight off the bat, I became close, banterous friends with 8 other amazing team members:

Not only did joining the team allow me to gain experience in teamwork and the rigorous process of organising an event but it also gave me a family (cheesy as it sounds) that I could RELY ON. From the brutality of a last minute assignment that killed me in all dimensions of existence and the need for a cheer squad to deciding if I want to spend more than $10 for lunch, in any scenario WIESoc had my back. One of my favourite events I organised this year would have to be WIESoc’s Meet the Team Trivia along with Nadeesha, another member of the Events Subcommittee. After the initial stress of confirming catering and dealing with a last minute venue change, it was a relief that it was so successful. It was super competitive, everyone seemed to be having a blast and it was a good break from university studying. Plus there were plenty of memes. Through bonding events (organised by the lovely HR team) and intense(ly procrastinating) study sessions, we became closely knit. In a nutshell, we died together and we thrived together.

I found myself attending a lot more society events throughout the year, not just from WIESoc, which allowed me to meet so many new students, friends and even gain a lot more insight by talking to industry members from engineering companies.

During the year, the team of 30 worked tirelessly, from organising large-scale events like our WIESoc Ball, creating amazing marketing material for our society and racing through the checkpoints in our Industry Mentoring Program. It was thrilling to observe such a cohesive team work together and I’d never felt more empowered and proud of our passion in bringing light to female engineers and providing a support network for female students studying the field.

Overall, joining WIESoc exponentially enriched my university experience and I can confidently say that I’ve met some of the most amazing people. That being said, I encourage anyone and everyone to join WIESoc, whether it be as a member or even better, part of the team!